I am wishing all the girls on this website's forum to tell us how long have they been playing and what they believe about their gaming experience.
Its been around one month now, It has been a great experience very enjoyable made a lot of new friends.
Well you see, I met Lebo at the very beginning, she turned out to be a wonderful individual and I hope to continue my long lasting relationship with her
I've been gaming since Candyland and Chutes & Ladders! In all honesty I've been gaming since I was in Jr. High, from the original Nintendo to tabletop (I was a D&D geek) to computer games (I played WoW for over 3 years). I guess that's what happens when you're the only girl in the family. The thing I've enjoyed the most about gaming, no matter which it was, is the people I've met and gamed with along the way. I still have a few of my old guildies from World of Warcraft on my facebook and I haven't played in years now.
I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember! I remember playing Classic Xbox, Dreamcast, GBA, DS Lite, Wii, N64, and PS2. More recently, I've been playing Minecraft, PS3, PS4, and 3DS! This summer once I work for my parents (they're self employed) I'm going to save up for a GameCube and a Dreamcast on eBay just for old times sake!
I don't know how a gamer is, but I've been playing shooting games like Counter Strike, black shot, and a few others. I actually tried dota and dota 2 but I always got scolded because everyone aims me and I die non-stop ;=; I love games but Im a boba, yes I actually played Habbo once lol!
I've been playing video games my whole life. I grew up with an older brother figure, so I was constantly playing PlayStation. I started playing Xbox 360 when I was 16 or so, and started playing computer games when I was about 17. I play a lot of games, and I'm pretty terrible at all of them :3
Yeah I grew up playing the xbox too! Parents gotten the oldest version of xbox when it came out, I remember how me and my older brother tricked our parents to get the latest when it came out too, we played Halo and starwars and some other games till I get really dizzy (motion sickness) like totally buy junk food and eat while playing. We would play from when we wake up till midnight But then one day my brother stopped talking to me and I hardly see him even though we stay together. We never talked anymore so the xbox only collected dust, it's been years. But the memories were fond.
Um I've been playing since the Play Station 1, although I wasn't born when that came out I didn't have the highest of tech in those days so I played PS1 First games were Crash Nitro Cars (Loser game ikr), Crash Bandakoot and BattleFord 1 :3 The moved onto COD, transferred to xbox then 3 years ago I got minecraft. So mostly to sum it up I've been a gaming loser for around half m life. The experiences I have with minecraft and AEM all together have been wonderful, I've meet so many friends, had amazing laughs and wonderful conversations. Considering I am very anti social irl I don't have many friends, but now I all you guys whom I consister to the deepest depths of my heart as family <3
Ive been a girl gamers since I got the first Nintendo, Im currently playing GHOST PS4, Candy Crush ( Don't judge me), simpsons tapped out, minecraft and waiting for plant vs zombies on PC to come out. I made so many friends while playing online games.
I've been playing Minecraft for only like 3 and an half months now, but I've been gamer for as long as I can remember. I have an older brother, so we always had video games in my house when I was growing up. I've mainly played racing and sports games throughout the years, not really done many shooting games. As far as my experience, most people have been kind, but shocked to learn I was a female gamer.
Girl gamers are awesome <3 seems like I see way more girls playing on Minecraft. Started playing on Nintendo loved Zelda that was my favorite than. Than of coarse Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog.