So last night I was thinking about forum spammers, so I thought, what about a 5 minute timer between posts until you have like a certent amout of posts and you can buy forum prem to buypass this that way people cant spam as easily! (Bypasted also if you're staff)
I feel that as long as it's not useless, people should be able to post whenever they want, even if they did just make a post 2 minutes ago. If you restrict the amount a person can post, they might become a bit frustrated and even go as far as leave the forums, which we definitely don't want.
Sometimes the 30 second cooldown is too much, and I have to wait a bit to post again. I say no to this
It's not a bad idea, it's just impractical for the people who post not to just spam. And either way, it's their own fault if that's how they want to try to become staff.
people's who forum spam pretty much go no where with it I find yes they are taking up space yes they are doing it just to come staff. How ever to become staff alex looks at your posts and if they are just spam then you won't become staff that simple I find the way it is now is Ok.
out of the question. i like replying to ppl and helping them with their problems. waiting 5min to respond each time when i have 32 alerts a day is ridiculous lol