I don't know I find quotes are a inspirational way to teach others tips and preaching to how to survive life. I also find they help guide you through what to do and give you a confidence boost sometimes. Type your favourite quotes here, it can be more than one. "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave 5 minutes longer." -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I used to have this one as my forum signature: "Nobody dies a virgin. Life f*cks us all." -Kurt Cobain
"The sexual tension between a guy and you when you say "I like that book." and he says "I like that book too." Because he's in it" -unknown
You guys are talking about a book I HAVENT read :O I must read this and add this to my collection of never ending books!
Some Men Just want to watch the world BURN- Alfred No Luke, I, AM your Father. - Darth Vader The only thing that scares a man is the unkown, but once a man has made the terror known, there is nothing to fear. - Author Unkown Live Long And Prosper- Spock Don't Do Stupid things. My Elementary school teacher Mrs. Grimm I' Aint done Nuffin! - Huck Finn
Here are a few that inspire me. "Keep your head high, keep your fists low, Dont tread on war, but think of peace. When the end comes all the noble will rise, while all those with hearts of cruelty will fall" -- by Toland, Ryen "Everything happens for a reason, God has it all planned out already. Just because things are going bad doesnt mean they won't end up getting better" -- by unknown "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain" -- by unknown.
I start everyday bye grabbing the daily newspaper and looking at the obituaries, and if Im not there, then I carry on as normal. -Mark twain