Ok multiple people have wanted a reset after the fact of the player vault swiping. The reason of that is some people that opened their player vaults lost everything they had before it was fixed, besides the ones who were not online or never opened their player vaults. Also for some people they had lost interest of playing on factions after the fact they asked for a reset or asked to get their things back and dident. For everyone that lost their things thought it was not fair to them because for the some people that still have their things non like the others. So I speak out for everyone in factions we wish to have a rest. Aswell BlueBlade4 said he would handle things if it was a approved.
You want a reset because you rely so heavily on your vault and not having a base unlike non-donators/low donators.... How about the people that worry/have to protect all their good stuff unlike not caring cause the can just go /vault1.2.3.4.etc.... You have to accept that these things happen.... This would only benefit about 5-7% of people on the server, so why would all the other people have to lose all of their stuff cause a few people lost their stuff in a glitch...
mrdarkcobra the players who arent donators dont have vaults and they lose their stuff to so theres actually no need for a reset.