We all want it to reset and it has more than cut the server numbers in half because of how early it was mentioned. I hope everything gets back to normal and better after the reset 1.8 could have waited because a lot of other servers aren't 1.8 yet. If staff could say the exact date of the reset once they know it would be great. Thank you
We plan on resetting Factoins hopefully this weekend. It's Friday for me. So if we finish the last bit up, we plan to reset Factions tomorrow or Sunday. We will make a post on the website a few hours before we plan to reset the Factions server. Thanks! Hope you're enjoying AEM.
Hey Alex, thank you so much! <3 Time to no life AEMFactions again... After spending 30.8 days on the current map :/
hey viper I'm showing bloody some of the hybrid defences, also I have a way of making unraidable chests
There is no such thing as unraidable my friend, u can make it hard to raid but there is always a way.
Nope, there are ways, if you have hours upon hours to build it, a good amount of faction members, and withers aren't enabled, then you can. With withers enabled, there is no such thing as an impossible raid.
Guys, let's get back on the topic . So here are a few comments I have about the reset. -The economy is much different. Selling stuff rewards hardly any money, so players don't make farms. This means they have less stuff to do on the server, and they might quit. -In the reset before this, a lot changed. In this one, the only thing that happened was different shop prices and a different spawn. I liked how in the reset before this, the rank names were changed and we got a lot of new perks, so it felt like a fresh brand new start, on a new improved version of AEM. That's basically it. Just those 2 things. Thanks for reading! ~CadeBean
Just a tip to the 1st of yours, when the economy stayed high it didn't really look like people ended up staying..