I finally took the time to visit the Minecraft AEM Server after not being active for a few months. I was super excited to jump on and say hi to everybody! Let me know if you want to see more content from the AEM server and I would love to jump back on. Visit My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWvn1f42brFio3SKHiTxnug
Hey, I remember you having a skyblock series while you were here. Will you be restarting that? Also, the server's going to bring back non-OP skyblock soon as an additional server. Thought I'd just put that out there. Anyway, welcome back! =)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you referenced my old skyblock series and yes, I would love to bring that back. I enjoy playing with you guys and I am very much aware of the non-OP skyblock server. I want to start up again as soon as it is ready, and I will be taking some time to check it out. Thanks for the support!
Good to see old aem players coming back. Watched the video and just thought that you should be updated. I also came back from having quit for a year or two and was suprised by certain things. AEM is under New ownership, sway. Bans reset and ranks reset on all servers and you just need to ask a staff member on the forums to get it back you can also do this in game. It took me a day to get my rank back but it could take slightely longer/shorter
Yeah, in the video I spoke to GetSaucedd about the ranks and such. I'm very surprised to come back and see how much things have changed and will definitely be visiting again in the near future.
It's Witherfox, the channel link is above the video but in case you missed it here it is again https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWvn1f42brFio3SKHiTxnug
Hey dude, thanks! I'm so happy to see that people enjoy my videos! I would love to start up again. Just waiting for the new non-OP Skyblock to release.