I Think The Extreme Rank Should Also Have The Ability To Make Their Names Colourful By Using The Colour Codes Used In Private Messages And Signs (Coloured Text On Signs Are For Premium+ Only) Using &(number or letter.) Before The Message. So I Think This Would Be A Nice Idea.
The problem with that is it may confuse new players as which rank they (extremes) truly are. For example if an extreme makes their name grey and flies or what not, a new default player may misunderstand and cause commotion over why they aren't able to fly. Also an extreme could turn their name red which could lead to staff impersonation problems.. Although I think this is a nice idea and intended to be a harmless customization, overall it would cause general confusion.
I think the rank in front has to stay the same color, but your name can change colors. People would know you're extreme, and you get freedom of name color. IT can work if the extreme out in front has to stay the same.
I still find the idea of only staff can have coloured names so we can reconize them and know they are staff