Quick question. I know clearlag is destroying minecarts. That sucks, but hey, gotta keep things running. Question is, if i'm building storage carts, and it has items in it, will it despawn them? How about hopper carts? I'm concerned about building a big sorting machine and then having it suddenly be gone. Just looking for how it treats different items. Thanks, G
Minecart with chest ☞ still a minecart but with a chest on it. Just went ahead and tried, it clears it sadly.
Clearlag is fully congifurable plugin. Exclude minecarts with chests and minecarts with hoppers from the list of deletable entities and problem will be solved.
People abuse everything but not everyone should be punished. I believe thats why chestshops were turned off due to abuse. This kindergarten approach doesnt always apply. With the new update and even with previous skyblock players rely on auto/semi auto machines to help them harvest and collect goods. It sucks watching all these great machines that rely on a cart and not being able to build them because someone could abuse a source of lag. Ask Meg about the accidental black hole I made before reset (was mob grinder) with 2 pistons a repeater a torch and some redstone, all legal materials. Lets punish rule breakers as they come not everyone else. My measly .02$
Yes I understand, I too would like to build machines that require cart. However that is not up to me or staff to decide if it should be added in.
Rinne, Understood that you can't make the change. however, you CAN advocate to whoever makes those changes, on behalf of a community that is mostly compliant witht he rules. The biggest lag issue with carts is the TNT thing, where you can stack a billion carts and crash servers. That's not a concern with the check carts, and hoppers. And those 2 in particular are REALLY important to a lot of super cool projects. I'm jsut asking for some discussion on it. It's a bit of a sledgehammer solution to a scalpel problem to simply kill everything that Clearlag doesn't like by default. Thanks for reading! -Gee
I don't really see how minecarts could be such a bad source of lag. I mean, they cost 5 iron each, which is a very expensive material. It would take quite a few minecarts to create substantial lag, which is not really feasible. Not many non-donors have iron farms, which would be needed to create such lag. I doubt a donor would risk losing their rank bought with real money, just to create a little lag.
I dont' think this horse is dead yet. Can we please consider at least making storage carts that HAVE MY STUFF IN THEM not disappear??? Really, that's pretty game breaking. I'm imagining some poor sucker who doesn't check forums for something like this, making a cart, putting some stacks of stuff in it, and coming back to find they've got nothing. That's pretty poor server management. AEM mostly does a good job of this stuff, and this issue should be at the top of your discussion list. It's not just an inconvenience, this is actually a problem, and since there are tons of servers that run clearlag, there are lots of examples of servers that dont kill storage carts. Give this a little support AEMers. -G