This is getting out of hand with people trying to avoid caps protection like seriously staff have warned none has cared, the staff really need to do something about this, ASAP. Also with the caps protect thing, people are spamming to get it like, (capsssss prteeeccccttttt) and that is really annoying, so yeah, staff need to do something.
Unfortunately we can not be on the server 24/7 as we do have lives outside of AEM but when staff is on, we do something about it as I'm sure you've noticed. Please feel free to make use of /report if you see someone abusing our anti_caps plugin. We don't like it anymore than you do, I can promise you that.
I agree Edrandom, they are annoying using "caps" However players never get told to stop, rarely because mods+ dont go on creative alot so I would advise the owner to fix /report Long Live AEM