I was on my island with my friend, and I did /makeleader Yoyo_Here. After I did that, I tried to break something but it didn't allow me. I then did /is and it teleported me to the top of my island, but when I did /makeleader Yoyo_Here again it said that I was not a part of that island. When I did /is info, it said I needed to be closer to my island. My friend that I invited (Crazy_Iban) to my island is still able to break things, but when she tries to do /makeleader Crazy_Iban or /makeleader Yoyo_Here it says that we are not a part of the island. Any help?
If you were original island owner and did the /is makeleader command on yourself, it'll glitch out your island. Try to talk to an admin+ to fix the issue, but please note some side effects maybe the lose of the island.