So I know some players are buying and selling ranks lately. I too am interested but I'm not so familiar with the rates. Also there are many different sellers through servers so, Please comment your rates: Example: [Selling rank] Server ____ $5 for ___ in game money >or< ____ in game money + gapples >or< Vip to supporter for ____ in game money. [Buying rank] Server ____ willing to give ____ in game money (+ items or not) for $__ /(rank) Well you get the gist. I do like purchasing ranks for players at time so if this is useful and do get players to comment their rates, I would look through them and probably purchase some. And this may come in handy to those who are looking to buy rank currently or in the future. Also may help with those who plan to sell rank but do not know the price depending on server.
Buying rank for survival server. Supporter to elite $15. I am offering $4500, 25 diamond blocks, 2 horse spawn eggs, a shop at my warp you get to decide the size, 2 ocelot spawn eggs. I hope to have a reply
Ive seen people buy ranks for ign money for example 1k for 1$ If thats ok with you im willing to offer 30k for elite in survival for a friend. pm if your interested or if you wanna talk something out
I was told that in Kitpvp, $15usd would cost about 17-20k **I've bought someone to elite from supporter just now
I will pay 1k for $1 but is it okay if I do it on multiple servers excluding factions so on survival kit pVp sky block and skygrid I will pay u 15k to upgrade me on survival from supporter to elite
I want to get upgraded from Premium to Skygod on Skygrid for 300k IGM. Please msg me if you will buy.
[Buying rank] Server Factions willing to give 99million in game money + 4 double chests of Prot 4 + 50 God apples for $55 /(Legend)
[Buying rank] Server factions willing to give 500k in game money for $5/Vip (Its for my friend BloodSlayR)
[Buying] Elite on Skyblock ($15) for 15k on survival. Also willing to pay with other server currency, inbox me.
[Buying] Supporter in Survival for 54k factions money. My rank on survival is VIP so $10 dollar donation for that.
I have 70k in factions would like to make a deal with you? what do you think you can check my balance if you want ign:Chitech2