Mr_LightViper, you and your friends started being mean to me. Danny129077 and Jbroom01 started when I pvp logged. Then, you, BRANSON234, Alex_Beat_Ya_23, and every other GetShrekt member (or whatever the faction is now called) started after. I do not believe that anyone should bully another. You all then started making mean forums about me. You, Mr_LightViper, bad mouthed about me in that raid video when you raided my base. That is such an immature and mean way to treat another player. Mr_LightViper, you favored your friends and you didn't ban them when they should have been banned. You should be terminated as Admin for such actions. Also, in May, you had me banned because you accused me of hacking, which I did not. I followed all of your instructions then you came to conclusions. (I did a ban appeal and got unbanned later)
He banned me for extreme disrespect to staff and players when THE STAFF AND PLAYERS WERE DIRESPECTFUL TO ME. Read above to see why Viper should be terminated as Admin. Any questions? Feel free to ask.
READ THE FIRST POST I MADE! He was very disrespectful to me and so were his friends. He started this.
1. its factions trash talk is allowed 2. remember Viper is still a player 3.people get falsely ban all the time its a honest mistake staff try there best 4. He did not favorite us its just you said things like "Mr.Lightviper your Ez" and him being a player a talked back therefore he disliked you.
Kurt, I do admit that Danny, Alex_Beat_Ya and everyone WERE being quite disrespectful. The reason why Factions lost more than half it's players (As you stated before) is that your behavior to them was appalling. You called me names and things I did not enjoy multiple times. You complain that you have it bad. I take shit from players like you every day. I'm sorry, you can't just behave like that and expect for people to treat you with respect. The world does NOT work like that.
You don't instantly get respect from everybody... You have to work at it and earn it. Being rude towards others that don't deserve it will make you become hated faster than you'll be liked. Also word spreads around. If BillyBobJoe tells a friend that you've been rude to him, his friend will then look down upon you for being rude as well. This works in real life as well... Treat others how you wish to be treated. I don't know who started what or anything but I'm just gonna throw my 2 cents in.
I'm gonna say this for the 3rd time.... Look. I'm gonna repeat myself @Kurt I'm serious. You can't walk around saying ezpz to an admin, or in this case, to anyone ._. . On other servers, that will get yourself an "eZ" gban. Why, must you pick a fight? ./ignore (name) in game and get on with your life. I get that you and cade+danny and several other people don't get along with you don't get along. That's fine. But, come on. Respect is a two way street, not just when you want it and when you choose to use it yourself. I feel no pity here, tbh. No victim cards here. Being rude to others doesn't help your case. I'm not saying you can cut cold turkey over night, but try to meet others halfway too. If your gonna start a fire, I would suggest you not let it burn. End it.