Member Name zomme0532 Minecraft Username zommer0532 Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? i don't know why. i tried to login with the only mod i have (optifine) it kicked me and said (disconnected: global ban) no i get all these errors. internal exception: java.lang.classcastexception: bit cannot be cast to fm Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? yes i do, i love this server and is is my favourite. i bought extreme for sky block and i was going to donate more so i can get premium.
banned on survival for griefing then pyro said i have an out of sync client (what ever that means i don't even know) i really want to get back to playing this server.
Can you please be patient and not spam? .-. Some bans do not stick, she was supposed to jail and mute you if you came back online. You were banned for griefing, and since it wasn't your first offence, you were banned. Previously you were tempbanned for threatening and arguing with staff, you do not seem to be truly sorry for your actions, please convince us on why you should have another chance. Please respond within 24 hours. @zomme0532
i am sorry for my actions. i don't know what i was thinking. if you let me back on, i won't go on survival. i spent 40.00$ and i don't want to waste my money. i will NOT be main anymore. keep me in jail in survival but on ban be from everything else. i feel bad for everything that i have said/done to pyro. sorry pyro.
You are not globally banned anymore, that was a mistake. Sorry about that. I will consider accepting your appeal if you can tell me: Why are you not allowed to grief ? Why are you not allowed to threaten or argue back with players/staff ? Please respond within 24 hours.
your not allowed to grief because there other peoples creations that they spent time on and made. you can't argue with players. just admit what you've done wrong. its not nice to argue and i am soo very sorry
Also know that staff are here to help, not to ban any-who-how. I'm glad you understand. Please also take note that Arguing and threatening gets you in bigger trouble. No one wants that. I hope you would follow the rules from now onward, as well as listen to staff. Welcome back.