Member Name zodel Minecraft Username zodeltrollmaster Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I created a AFK machine Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? yes because its a good server and its fun to play on and I spend most of my online time on it
@zodel I will consider accepting your appeal if you can answer the following questions within the next 24 hours: 1) Why did you disobey the rules and build an afk machine? 2) Why should we believe you will not do this again? 3) What have you learned?
I disobeyed the rules so I can get the trusted rank and grow my crops with me being on. I will not do this again because I've learnt that the time you play it doesn't reset when you log out and I can just buy bones to grow my crops I have learnt not to break the rules and if I do ill get caught and punished oh and sorry I could not submit it entill now I lost my internet privilege's XD
it is but it doesn't grow when I'm offline so am I going to get unbanned or do I need to make another ban appeal
Do not file another appeal. Be patient and wait until Christy makes a decision. I'm leaving it up to her as she is the one who was handling it first.
i am going to accept this appeal, you made clear that you understand that afk machines are wrong follow the rules and we hope this doesnt happen again