Member Name Xephosnum2 Minecraft Username Xephosnum2 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I was banned from the entire aem server for griefing???? I haven't griefed anyone ever and i love the skyblock on aem cause it doesn't lag and I donated for a rank so you can see why I'm sad Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I don't remember griefing on the server nor would i considering the fact that i donated but I mean I'll admit to something i didnt do because I love the server it's the only one that doesn't have lag on skyblock and I could understand being banned on one of the ingame servers but I was banned on the ENTIRE thing? i don't understand And i wouldn't grief because I donated 20$ to the server why would i do that it doesn't make sense.