Member Name WhyWe1234 Minecraft Username WhyWe Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? because i told a helper that i was going to file an complaint about him. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well I would just like to thank you wonderful people for the great times I had before this happened I was making friends and have in laughs with the admins. And just having a good time playing this game with you guys. Then I made a mistake and it’s been a month now and I have been regretting what I said so much because now I can’t use my rank that a bought soon before it happened. Everyone was congratulating me about it and I was very happy. I just want to let you know that I have begged for him to forgive me but he has not by swearing at me and rejecting me. Witch makes me very sad. Hopefully by getting unbanned I can persuade them to forgive. Me and we can be friends again and put this whole misunderstanding behind us. So thanks for reading this and hope you have a good day. <3 WhyWe Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.
Alright, I'm not going to Sugar the Pill here, You threatened several times that you would get me demoted. Even after a temp-ban to think about what you have done, you kept threatening and making it look like I was the one doing wrong. If I were the one banned, I wouldn't be asking for forgiveness, and the fact that you keep Spamming ALL staff with messages that you think might get you un-banned, has just confirmed our decision. Do NOT make another appeal, as they will keep being denied / ignored.
I don’t want to type this stuff but you can’t keep lying about me. I said I will get you demoted witch it perfectly fine I mean seriously we all know that it’s a bit farfetched. and when I asked for help I was going to ask are conversations are privet or public you said. "what the fuck do you want" now I’m fine with this but the fact that I’m the one banned for saying that I’m going to complain is just wrong. ok you’re the one witch is going to haft live with the mistake not me. Thanks <3 WhyWe
oh and I get banned for being nice am I great I’m cool with that. maybe I don’t want to like you and swear at people maybe I want to be nice to people ok get over it.
The reason you got banned is because you kept pestering staff about it. You're continuing this behavior right now. Pretty much a waste of time for you, because these appeals are just gonna keep being denied.