Ban Appeal from Wesley1066

Discussion in 'Rejected Ban Appeals' started by Wesley1066, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Wesley1066

    Wesley1066 Guest

    Member Name Wesley1066

    Minecraft Username Wesley1066

    Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock

    Why were you banned from this server? Talking about EULA.

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Rules. They are all around us. To join the forums, I had to agree to the rules. The server has rules and the staff have the right to expect players to abide by those rules.
    Mojang also has rules. These are covered in the End User Liscense Agreement (EULA). Discussions of monetisation of servers have also been posted by Mojang at and at
    Here is a direct quote from the first:
    "You are allowed to charge players to access your server
    "So long as the fee is the same for all players, you are allowed to chafte for access to your server. You are not allowed to split your playerbase into paying, and non-paying users, nor can you restrict gameplay elements to different tiers of player.
    "Basically, if you're charging for access to your server, you are selling a "ticket" and there can only be one type of ticket, regdless of how much people are willing to spend."

    And from the second link:
    "Can I sell ranks on my server?
    "Yes. Ranks are allowed so long as any perks gained are cosmetic. Coloured names, prefixes, special hats etc. are fine"

    Having to be a donor to enter the nether DOES NOT abide by those terms. Clear. And. Simple.

    Banning a player, for discussing that, in a private chat with a staff member is also a violation of your own rules since you state:
    "5.Any staff, owners, hosts, advertisers, officers, directors, employees, partners, and all other parties related to this servers staff reserve the right, with the appropriate permissions, to forcibly make you leave the server, permanently or temporarily, with no chance of refund – however this will never be unwarranted, this will only happen in the case of extreme rule-breaking. If you obey the rules, you will never be banned, plain and simple."

    The apparent attitude of this server's staff is summed up by the statement by Thefightingtaco "The EULA wasnt really enforce so we dont use it".

    Continue to enforce your rules while ignoring those to which you are bound. I have filed a complaint with Mojang at their support page and sent screen shots of the discussion I had with Thefightingtaco to Owen Hill via twitter. I don't know if Mojang will take action or if they are as toothless on enforcing the EULA as you seem to think, but since I was not able to get any staff there to engage in a meaningful discussion, I at least wanted to let you know that I am not threatening a complaint, but have filed one.

    If you are confused by the apparent lace of begging to be allowed back onto the server, I don't care. I play another server and tried to engage in a discussion on the subject with the staff after my son got IP banned from the forums for asking the same question.