Member Name Tyler Stonski Minecraft Username CERIALKILLER2 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I don't know, i used the monthly kit, bought 8 more Super god apples and then 8 min strength and swiftness potions. i killed a few people and then a diamond guy. after i killed him 5 seconds later i got kicked and it said i was banned for "hacked client/ kill aura" Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because i was being 100% legit everything i was using i bought or waited a month for.
@Tyler Stonski Staff do not ban for using the kits as we are aware of what is in them. You were banned for having a hacked client/kill aura after a staff checked out your in game activity and witnessed you hacking. However, I am willing to accept your appeal if you can answer the following questions: 1) List 3 rules of the KitPvP server. 2) Explain in your own words why hacking is bad. Thanks, Christy