Member Name Tsepak Minecraft Username Tsepak123 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? thefightingtaco thought i was "evading a ban" i guess he didn't get the memo that i got unbanned Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I was banned for an unfair reason I guess u could call it.
I did get the memo that you were indeed unbanned. What I banned you for was something later in date. Your account was linked to three others, one banned for hacking and the other gbanned for scamming. Now, for the ban evasion I banned the ip that had all those trouble accounts because it seemed there were going to be more and more of them since they were rather recent. You were apart of the ip, but it seems you changed your to get around it. Please explain. You have 24 hours.
I already got banned for scamming and i got unbanned for that too. All those other alt accounts already got banned. I've gotten banned for scamming one time and the other time for cussing Mr_Light_Viper out and I apologized for that.
I know of your other bans, but what I put one in place that was meant to be permanent. So, why did you change your ip to go around it? Please response with 24 hours.