Member Name Tsepak Minecraft Username Tsepak123 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I honestly don't know. I got unbanned ok? I joined the server and SympatheticCow asked y i got banned, and i told him the i was accused of scamming. StraightUpThug banned me right after. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well my last ban appeal got accepted i think? But i got banned for no reason this time, straightupthug just banned me i'd like to know y i got banned again. Well i really like AEM and i want everyone to know i would not do anything to jeapordize my privilege of playing on AEM. I'd just like to start playing AEM again and I spent like 40 something dollars on this server why would i waste my money? I want to get back on this server so bad. It sucks cause i didn't do anything in the first place. But i'm saying i really would like to get unbanned and play AEM again.
Your last ban appeal was denied, and to my knowledge you weren't unbanned. That's why I rebanned you. If you respond to me within the next 24 hours explaining why scamming people is against our rules, and that you completely understand them in their entirety, I will consider accepting this.
Well StraightUpThug thank you for giving me a second chance. Scamming is an outrageous thing to do. Especially for money. It's the same thing as doing it in real life. I've gotten scammed once too but i didn't take a screen shot because I used to be a "bk randy" xD. Well I want you and all the staff of AEM to know that if I have ever broken any of the rules I'm sorry. I respect all of the great staff of AEM and I just want to get back on this AWESOME server. This server is the best I've ever played on and I would never do anything to jeapordize my privilege of playing on AEM.