Member Name OhTeppers Minecraft Username OhTeppers Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? .eu link. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Ik that .eu link is not a viable appeal but, i am seriously so sorry for what i did. I want to join aem again at the reset. I really want to play aem again and play every day and give to the community. Alex i am sorry for what i did! I really hope you can forgive me. Hearing that you rejected my appeal really put a damp not on my entire week. BUT if you decide for some reason that you do not want me back i respect that. I just think that would be a mistake. I would literally do anything to get back onto the best server on minecraft with the best community, i was utterly stupid for what i did. I would like to come back and play every day! just like in summer of last year! If you decide to unban me, then i would take it as a blessing (literally). I would try to help anyone that needed it. I would be the best i can to the community, no silly arguements or whatever else. I really do hope you forgive me Alex. Yours Sincerely, TommyPearuss @AlexM850
Hello @OhTeppers Did you recently changed your in game name? I can't find anything on OhTeppers if you did change your name, please tell me what was the name that got banned before you changed it. Thank you.
I needed your in game name to double check your ban. I will ask @Meg1626 to check this as she is the original banner and may have something to say/add in.
I have spoken to Alex regarding this and he has left it up to me to decide. After speaking with other staff, we have decided that we are willing to give you another chance if you agree to: 1. Always be respectful of all players, staff, and especially the owner of AEM. 2. Follow all rules and understand that this is a second chance, so any other major infraction will lead to another gban, possibly with no appeal. You have 24 hours to respond.
I promise you and to all of the staff that i am a changed guys since December. I will be respectful as i can and i will try to help the community as much as i can
i've gone to log on as OhTeppers and it still says i am banned? shouls i wait to change my name back to TommyPearuss? (in 7 days i can change my name back)