Member Name mrminer2003 Minecraft Username Guest_The_Epic Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? Guest_The_Epic is my alt account and nothing was done wrong on his account or by my friend that uses his it. Although it is my alt, it used to be my brothers too. When he started hacking and got banned for it Guest_The_Epic was banned too since he still had the password. Now that he does not have the password and only my irl friend and I will be using it there is no reason for my alt to be banned since nothing went wrong or nobody on that account did anything wrong. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think my alt deserves a second chance because literally nothing happened on that account and nobody that used that account did anything. My friend is now tryng to play skyblock with my but he cant for no reason. Please consider this appeal and I thank you for your time.