Member Name mr_darkcobra Minecraft Username mr_darkcobra Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I guess Hacks Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because I did nothing wrong and everytime I have proof to getsomeone banned it all goes on me so you can check my files and everthing
Please post a screenshot of your .minecraft folders including mods folder and versions folder (must have last modification date). Upload them to and link it here. Please respond within 24h. @mr_darkcobra
I watched the video in the player report and honestly there is definitely reasonable doubt in terms of showing hacks. I'd also be surprised if DarkCobra was hacking ( though that BS about JBroom and Company 'DDo's'ing you' which you knew by your 'anti-ddos' software and tracing skills.. while you called me stupid, someone who's been doing .. lets say 'related internet stuff' since before you were born.. that was pretty annoying. Hacker though ? I don't think so. What the video seems to show to me is someone who possibly stopped eating the gap to punch and then ate it. I don't feel it's a clear indication of hacks anyway. Just respond to this and do as Rinne asks by showing the files she asks and this is very likely to be approved.
The reach hacks. Also as we don't have access to see essential commands, fix all glitch during combat is constantly done by mr_darkcobra. Watch his fights in pvp his helm NEVER breaks while people fighting him go through 3 helms.