Member Name magnus Minecraft Username magnus_u Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? For rank scamming Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because i didn't knew that i did a rank scam, i thought i just scammed him for in game moneys (wich i did) then i get banned for rank scam... I thought rank scam was when someone loses real moneys... (wich no one did) so i think i deserve another chance on this server.....
^Exactly. Give us some time to talk it over and decide on your appeal. To me you seem like you understand what you did. But Mr_LightViper might be the one to approve/deny this one.
Oh i got unban, I appreciate it very much. But there is one problem, just before i got banned a admin/mod jailed me... soo i can not do anything can someone please help me?
Member Name magnus Minecraft Username Magnus_u Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I dont know?..... I was unbanned yesterday, and now i am banned?? Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Cuz i just just unbanned, and then i get banned for nothing....??
Our ban system might of been acting up. Your other appeal hasn't been accepted/rejected yet from what I'm seeing.