Member Name Kylester2011 Minecraft Username kylester2011 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Griefing an for destroying blocks Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I made a very bad mistake as i was really stupid to listen to other players who are trolling, i dedicated myself to play a online multiplayer server. I believe that this is one of the best i have now learnt to respect others and thier property this has been a wake up as this is the first time I've have dis obeyed the rules. Furthermore i said sorry to the owner of the property. I thankfully ask for my permission back as i am doing really well on the server l. Im truly sorry for my behaviour it will not happen again thanks for your time please get back to me
If you can promise to follow all the server rules, you can check by doing /rules or if uncertain, you can ask a staff member, then I am willing to give you another chance. Explain why grief is not allowed. Please respond within 24 hours
Member Name Kylester2011 Minecraft Username Kylester2011 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Block greifing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I was banned for destroying another players property, i got told to do so by a another player who was there with me and he got banned aswell. Im truely sorry for my behaviour this is a wake up call for me as this is the first time i have been banned or timed out of a server. I would like to have access to the server once again as i believe this is one of the best, Furthermore i was doing well and my freinds are using this server aswell so i would really like to join them once again. I said sorry to the owner and read the rules before i got banned. This will not happen again and i would re-consider my actions opon this. I ask faithfully if i can have access to this server and it will not happen again. Thanks
Do not post multiple appeals. Refer back to your original appeal and reply to what has been asked of you there.
Member Name Kylester2011 Minecraft Username Kylester2011 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Block grief Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Im so sorry for what happened and i believe it was a misunderstanding as i have been banned for a high number block grief the reason is because i harvested a huge wheat farm in a moderators area and i am quite new to the server, therefore i am truly sorry for my actions i did not know the rules otherwise i would of not of done what i did, Furthermore i did apologise to the owner and returned anything he asked for. I have reconsidered my behaviour and i have now read all the rules, This is the first time I've ever been banned and i will now rethink or ask any questions in the global chat before in unsure of any disobeyment, I would really like my accessibility to be able to join back the survival aspect in the server as i really enjoy this server and i have met really nice people and friends. This will not happen again i promise please get back to me thanks
@Kylester2011 please do not create multiple appeals. Please do scroll up for our previous comments. Thank you.
in really sorry for what i have done and like i said i checked all rules over and i will ask any questions if in unsure
griefing is not what i intended to do i thought it was a community farm but it wasent i have apologised to the owner before i got banned and i returened everything
I think the players should be the ones thinking about what they are doing. It doesn't just frustrate the person who made the building/art/creation it also might make them lose there valubles or possetion. I don't see the point in greifing. I wont do it again i just thought i was farming but i was collecting wheat and that counts as block greifing so in truly sorry
You were found breaking expensive blocks as well. Not just farm items. Do take note that we're not in the same timezone or busy in rl thus may not reply for some time. I ask that you be patient for our replies, Thank you
ok with replies and yes redstone lamps i replaced them all there was another player with me at the time but he was being impolite, i got tp'd to the owner and i returened all glowstone and he dident mind about the wheat, as i say in sorry i will now rethink about my actions and i just want to ask if i can have a another chance if so please let me know and Thank you for responding to all my messages, thanks
I will accept this appeal. Please make sure you do what you say, about the rules. I'm glad you understand what you did wrong. Welcome back.