Member Name killer_Assassin5 Minecraft Username Killer_Assassin5 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I had Xray On From when i had it on from other server they Let people hack. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I made a mistake of not Turning it off And this my first time on the server And i did not know hacking is allowed.
Member Name killer_Assassin5 Minecraft Username Killer_Assassin5 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was using xray Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I didnt know i had Xray on and this my first time on the server so i didnt know they didnt allowed Xray
Hello, Please post a screenshot of your .minecraft folder, mods, latest versions. Post them to and explain why hacking/xray is not allowed. thanks.