Member Name jswish13 Minecraft Username jswish9 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Ok first of all, I'm gonna be completely honest here, I DID NOT HACK!!! BloodyJT came to me in my vault when I was opening the p4 chest, I hit him because I pressed the key "m" which is the hit button and I meant to open a chest with the key "b" I by accident hit him and not the chest and then he called me out on hacks. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I have used hacks with kill aura, but I got banned. I am a man of my word, I swear I did delete hacks as I said I did. The server is gonna reset, I've loved this server for a very long time, and I always will no matter what. Please unban me for something that I didn't do. Thanks for your time, I hope you guys reading this will let me off the hook and give me another chance, and I repeat I did not hack! On my other appeal I was honest, which I know other people aren't really honest on appeals, and I am a honest person and I am being honest now. I promise. For you, a promise doesnt mean much I would think, but for me, it means everything. Thank you, Jonny
Blatant lies. What you don' realize is how long I was watching you when hacks were called this time, since I didn't know why you were even unbanned to begin with from the other day when you showed this picture publicly in the channel to show you don't hack .. while it contains obvious visual ESP hacks. Amazing. Now today in this case, I came out of invis behind you after some time where you stood there unmoiving and talking in chat, and you instantly spin and hit me. You couldn't have even known I was there in that half a second without either auto-hit/auto-aim/kill aura OR perhaps tracer, and you hadn't moved till exactly that second. It's nonsense and you're lying and you know it, I'm (we're) not stuipid. It's quite frankly shameful. Regardless, even being unbanned from the hacks shown clearly in that picture of your options screen was only a mistake because jswish9 was /gban'ned instead of simply /ban'nd like he should have been . My fault, and now it's been fixed. So, that first ban would have stood anyway and this second thing means essentially nothing. Again, we have a picture, that the user himself posted publicly of himself hacking and this only days ago. Appeal to be denied