Member Name jswish9 Minecraft Username jswish9 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I have been recently banned for the use of a hack client. This hack client allowed me to use a mod called kill aura. I realized that hacks are unfair to other players, I just wanted to get ahead in PVP. I now know that my actions are extremely wrong. I have recently deleted my hacks. PVP for me was getting a little boring. So I got my hacks that day just to spice it up and let me have some fun. I now know that this was super unfair and I will never use hacks again, because it will just lead right to a ban, and I'm sure no one wants that. That is why I was banned from this server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? First of all, in life everybody deserves a second chance whether its lying to your mom or hacking on a minecraft server. I know my actions were wrong, but my hacks have been deleted, and it will obviously not happen again. Thank you for reading this appeal, I hope you can forgive me and give me another chance. Thank you again, Jonny
Member Name jswish13 Minecraft Username jswish9 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I have been recently banned for the use of a hack client. This hack client allowed me to use a mod called kill aura. I realized that hacks are unfair to other players, I just wanted to get ahead in PVP. I now know that my actions are extremely wrong. I have recently deleted my hacks. PVP for me was getting a little boring. So I got my hacks that day just to spice it up and let me have some fun. I now know that this was super unfair and I will never use hacks again, because it will just lead right to a ban, and I'm sure no one wants that. That is why I was banned from this server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? First of all, in life everybody deserves a second chance whether its lying to your mom or hacking on a minecraft server. I know my actions were wrong, but my hacks have been deleted, and it will obviously not happen again. Thank you for reading this appeal, I hope you can forgive me and give me another chance. Thank you again, Jonny
I'm glad that you understand why hacks aren't allowed. Please don't use them again, or it could result in consequences that are even worse, such as a global ban. Appeal accepted.