Member Name Jackson Steele Minecraft Username D_Jaxx24 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I was using anti-knockback Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe that I deserve another chance because I realize what I did was wrong and I will never do it again. I used my months allowance to get VIP and made a really stupid decision now I can't play. Please unban me this'll never happen again I promise you that. Sorry that I haven't replied to the last bandit appeals, I didn't know how to.
Skywars isn't the only server you have broken rules in. And your record isn't looking so well. You were warned to watch your language and threats by a staff before. Are you really sure you're sorry? Also do not private message a staff on the forums to take a look at your appeals. I'll want to see what the other staff thinks before coming to a conclusion.
D_Jaxx24 you dont have a good history, You have threatened players/staff, you also have active bans on survival and skywars. i am sorry to inform you but i will be declining your ban appeal.