Member Name hzahn0 Minecraft Username hzahn0 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? i was banned for having an alt of my brother jacksonzahn. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i deserve another chance because i have proof i dont hack right here.
Attached is my proof that I don't hack and that I dont have an alt of my brother jacksonzahn. The proof shows my .minecraft, my mod, and my version. I was banned because someone thought that I was an alt of jacksonzahn. BUT I am not an alt. I am his brother and my name is Hzahn0. I deserve another chance on this server because I did not do anything wrong. I do not hack. Neither does my brother. My brother and I have both spent over $300 on this server for upgrade kits. We like your server the best of all of them and we want to play on it please! Is this the proof that you need? View attachment 1998
Sorry, but that's not the info we need. We need to see your files. One way to get to your files rather easily is while in-game, go to your options>resource packs>open resource pack folder. From there, you are now in your game files. Just go up a few folders and show us your main .minecraft folder, versions folder, mods folder, as well as the last modified dates visible. Do not crop the images.
ok thx ill do that just please respond soon after i do it. I'm trying as hard as i can to get the info but that is all the info i can get right now and i don't even know how to crop images i don't even know how to hack I'm only 12
Ok, my mom is trying to help me. We went into options, resource pack, open resource pack folder. It brought us to file manager where we took the attached screen shot. There doesn't seem to be any files in here. Can you help us find them? Thanks. View attachment 2004
Back out of that folder into the folder named .minecraft and to show last modified date on folders:
Okay, I backed out of the folders and showed list so you could see dates. Getting closer I think...? View attachment 2005 View attachment 2006
Yeah that 2nd picture is what we need, the first one isn't so much lol We'll also just need to see the Mods folder (if you have it) and the .minecraft folder with the last modified as well.
This is still Hayden's mom. Okay, I can't find a Mods folder anywhere, but I am trying to attach several screenshots of anything I can find with dates. Please let me know if this is what you're looking for. Both Hayden and Jackson are anxious to be unbanned.
Please respond soon Hayden and Jackson want to get unbanned as soon as possible. Please respond in the next 24 hours ans that would be great.!!
@Pip Xanadu Where it says versions modified, it says "today". Because it is a mac, there is no place that shows the time and day that is shown in his screenshot.
So what can we do to show what you need since we are on a mac? Do you need me to make the screens full screen? This mom is at her technological limit! :0)
I'm going to go ahead and lift the ban on the youngins. Usually the hacks we notice are very visible and easy for us to catch. As for now, the files seem clean but if we happen to see a client using either the following words: killaura, hunzi, weepcraft, nodus, or x-ray (either textruepack or mod) then it's an immediate ban. The ones I listed are used as I'm stating here: KillAura: A player instantly turning around 180 smacking somebody, then doing another instant 180 to continue running without breaking stride Hunzi, Weepcraft, Nodus: it's an overall client that allows them to use many different hacks on their player, be it kill aura, autotool, tracer, etc stuff that will give them a highly unfair advantage X-Ray: Allows them to see through dirt and stone to see things they want to see, such as ores or even player built bases that's underground. If we see any suspicious behavior from a player we do usually ask them to type the following phrases: .help and .legit and if those words don't pop up on our side, it'll pop up showing a help wall of text on how a hack or hacked client works. Please let them know that anything that gives an unfair advantage against other players who play without cheating/hacked tools is not allowed on our server. We don't mean to be a hassle with these but we just have some precautions set in place to keep the server as fair to all players. Sorry for the length of time it took us to come to a decision on this, we were discussing the details between one another in a separate chat group we have on skype. So between real life work/school and such it's a bit of a search with a chat of 32 other people in 1 conversation. @Evanyoshi will unban them for me since I'm not able to get on the server at the current moment.
Thank you so much. Jackson and Hayden are very happy at this announcement, which then also makes me happy :0) I will have them read this post above. Thank you so much. -- Jeanne Zahn, the mom!