Member Name hzahn0 Minecraft Username hzahn0 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? i was banned for having an alt of jacksonzahn Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i deserver a second chance because i can prove that i don't have an alt of jackson my brother my name is Hayden.
Hello @hzahn0 Please do provide those proof you have which shows us that he is indeed not an alt. Please respond within 24 hours.
i already did but for some reason it wot let me post the link on here can u plz help me by telling me how to take a screenshot of my mod ver and .minecraft
this is when it was created-Friday, July 12, 2013 at 5:36 AM this is its modificationFriday, July 12, 2013 at 5:36 AM this is its version-MinecraftLauncher 1.0.1 © Mojang Specifications, Inc, 2013 i promise I'm telling the truth i just don't know how to take a screenshot of it. plz reply as fast as you can if you don't thick this is enough
Hi this is Jackson and Hayden Zahn's mom. Can you please re-instate them on this server? They've spent quite a bit of their allowance on various upgrades and they would like to be let back on. I guess someone just decided they should be banned, which doesn't seem too fair to me. -- Jeanne Zahn
Hello again, you need to stop sending me your properties, i want the folder, this is how you access it.