Member Name hzahn0 Minecraft Username hzahn0 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? i was banned for having an alt of jacksonzahn Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i deserve another chance because i am sorry for what i did and i think it was wrong of me to do what i did
jacksonzahn was banned for: suspected hacks show files in a ban appeal at Hzahno was banned for Ban Evasion. Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft + mod + ver (Do not crop, show last modification date) Upload your images to >CLICKHERE< Then link it back here. Explain: Why is hacking not allowed. Why is Ban evasion not allowed. Why is killing players in a Non-pvp world/zone/area not allowed. you have 24 hours to respond. @hzahn0
hacking is not allowed becuase if it was allowed then things would go crazy and if you do hack you can do bad things on the server. i have no idea what ban evasion is. killing players in non pvp world is not allowed because non pvp world is for the players who dont wanna die just mine and stuff like that.
ok can u tell me how to do this i have no clue how to take a screenshot of my .minecraft, mod and ver
To screenshot a folder on your computer: Go to Click on the button that states "Upload images" Go to the folders asked for and hit "prt sc" or "print screen" on your keyboard. Hit Ctrl + V on your keyboard while on the imgur upload pop-up box. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all 3 folders are on the popup box. Click "Create Album" and name it something Click "Start Upload" Give us the link it gives you for the album
pip xanadu it wont do anything when i type ctrl+v will finder work other then folders cause i dont have folders
one question i got banned but do i get a refund of my purchases i made. pip xandu i know your on aem right now and i could really use your help are u there???
By donating to AEMNetwork you are not entitled to any Physical or virtual good, a donation is a donation and not a purchase. As defined a donation is an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or a contribution with no expectation of anything in return. Anything received will be as is and no warranty or guarantee it will always be available. All terms and conditions are in effect indefinitely as soon as the contract is accepted, and will remain to be active even after you quit, are banished, removed, or if you leave the server/forum in any way. Refund Policy: All sales are final, you may not buyback, stop, credit the server by any means necessary in order to receive your funds back that of which have been paid. And in doing so we reserve the right to disallow your continued play on the server/forums and not allow further funds to be added or taken away. We reserve the right to pursue any legal or collection action necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced charge-back. Prnt scrn is a key on your keyboard, then go to and Hold ctrl + v and upload. If it would ctrl + v then open up paint, right click or find the paste option, save as jpeg and upload to and link us the link to your screenshots.
It keeps saying "Oh no! We encountered an error: minecraft screen shot: Image format not supported, or image is corrupt. " Here is the link, is this what you needed. Let me know if there is anything else. Thank you
The screen shot on this mac only gave us the image link, not the actual image, so I had to take the picture w/ my phone and upload it.
yes we did where it says here is the link click on the link and it gives you the screenshot of our .minecraft mod and version