Member Name Hermo Minecraft Username Thehermojoke21 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I was using Anti-kb for the first time on the server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Mostly no because hacking is a really really bad thing to do. Hacking is bad becuase other people have a unfair disadvantage. But if i do get another chance i will not hack or use anti-kb. I have already deleted the anti-kb mod and everything that came with it. I will never use it again becuase i have learned my lesson. I do not know what was wrong with me when i said yes to my friend when he asked me if i wanted the anti-kb. I hope i could get another chance at playing Skywars on AEM network.
@Hermo Why did you lie to @zRinne when she was checking you and you obviously had no kb? Explain yourself. And take a screenshot of your .minecraft folders along with versions and mods folder. Upload on and link it here. You have24h.
i had the Anti-kb on when she was checking and i am sending the link right now. I am sorry for what i have done.
I will accept this appeal. Do not "try" or use any more hack clients and do not break anymore rules. Please promise this.