Member Name Hannah Mills Minecraft Username milskie25 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? for speaking my mind Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I DO because im a fucking good person and I went to rehab but im all better now. Also because I like to talk in the chat to all my internet friends even though everyone on that server hates my ass because I say the weirdest shit on there and people were getting sick of my ass I guess but I mean im back from rehab so im all good now and I am pretty internet famous so I could ruin this server publically if yall don't unban me k? k
Member Name Hannah Mills Minecraft Username milskie25 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I literally got banned for talking in chat Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should be unbanned bc I was just talking in chat and he banned me like um ok
First off, from what I see here you were asking to be banned, and you were saying inappropriate things in main chat and being rude. That is something I don't take very lightly. Now, I would have you explain yourself for an unban, but you threatened to ruin our server publically and that is something that can not be taken back. And just because you are "internet famous'' does not mean we have to unban you. That has no power in the choice of an unban vs. a perma ban. But now I don't want to simply deny this appeal, I want you to explain yourself and if I see that you are sorry enough and ready to return to the server. I main consider this appeal. You have 24 hours.
Gonna go over what TheFightingTaco and just simply deny this appeal. Threatening this server to try to get back on won't work here.