Member Name gusknife Minecraft Username gusknife Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? hacking and just messing around so ill never hack again skype me at semperfi_gamer to get in touch bye Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? and i really am sorry i love this server and i really want to start a youtube and really want to play on i wish to be unbanned from this server beacause i realy love spawn i love the people i love the pvp and ill never hack again ok so please unbann me at gusknife also to get in touch you can skype me at semperfi_gamer so yeah and also i might get a rank so yeah bye thanks for reading this peace!
You were banned for : Hacked Client | Aimbot | Forcefield Please explain why hacking is not allowed. Also please do take a screenshot of your: .Minecraft Folders Mods Folder Versions Make sure to show your last modification date and do not crop your image. You can upload them >CLICK< then post the links here. You do not sound sorry, like you just wrote this for the sake of getting unbanned then not wanting anything to do with this. Please elaborate why you deserve another chance. You have 24 hours to reply.