Member Name FireyBeast Minecraft Username fireybeast Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? for lying to staff and death threats. it was all a misunderstanding Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? My friend and I traded some stuff to some1 for a raid turned out they already raided it. my friend and I jokingly said something like "we're going to kill you' stuff like that we said we were joking later on Skype the dude who scammed us said "Well you told mr light viper it wasn't a death treat were you lying?" and I said I was thinking it meant was I lying about the death threat and he sent a pic of that to Mr_LightViper he banned me. so basically it was a misunderstanding and I wish I didn't say that now.
Your last appeal was denied, and as I said, it's clear you don't understand rules. Because of this, this appeal will be denied.