Ban Appeal from FirekingPirate

Discussion in 'Accepted Ban Appeals' started by FirekingPirate, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. FirekingPirate

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Member Name FirekingPirate

    Minecraft Username Phyllyboy, Tadashi_Kimura

    Which server were you banned on? SkyWars

    Why were you banned from this server? I was banned on Skywars because I said a Name of a server, Believe me when I say I did not know saying a server's name isn't aloud, Most servers I play let Server Names slide,

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I've changed through these past months of being banned from Aem, I believe I can act like the rest of the players instead of making trouble and talking about suicide, and other stuff, I'm done with all that, I know it's hard believing someone can changed in a small amount of time, But I can change very quickly, I am also very sorry to those I offended when I played, I know I made a phew players upset and disturbed by my behaviour, But as I said I've changed and can follow all rules of Aem Network. ~Tadashi
  2. zRinne

    Apr 29, 2014
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    -------------------------------------------------------- Staff Reference -------------------------------------------------------- [Rejected]
    Please refer to the rejected ban appeal.
    Skygrid : Griefing 300 blocks
    Skywars : Advertising server.

    -------------------------------------------------------- Staff Reference --------------------------------------------------------
    Character: Phyllyboy

    I would like some staff opinion on this as well, It would seem a little unfair to judge him on his past character (which was suicidal and caused discomfort to players,brought a lot of negativity to players and the staff looking out for him)
    However there is a risk as we do not know if the player has truly changed and may cause more problems in the future (troublemaker-player)
    I want a decision which will cause less harm/no harm to the server.

    If a trouble maker can be prevented, please do include your thoughts to help decide on whether this player gets another chance. I had dealt with him personally before and if I were to be frank, it was really hard and was hard to tolerate, as though he fishes for sympathy and pity kind of attitude, it was really negative and most problems during that time has circled around him as well.

    Please explain why advertising/mentioning servers isn't allowed.
    If you are doing an appeal for skygrid as well: Please explain why grief is not allowed, are you sorry for your actions? Do explain.

    Character : Tadashi_Kimura

    Was banned for Ban evading, caught by @Pip Xanadu

  3. FirekingPirate

    Sep 19, 2014
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    **Quote From zRinne** "Please explain why advertising/mentioning servers isn't allowed."
    In my opinion, There's a phew reasons I think Advertising is banned, For one... If it's someone who wants to become Helper on a server, They try advertise to get the promotion and end up facing a penalty, Second Reason: Some people are just desperate for players to play a server, Either so they become successful leaving another server they advertised on Unsuccessful. Reason Three: Maybe people just don't want to be alone on a server they play so they attempt to get a phew players on it so they are no longer alone. Though in my case, I never intended on advertising. When I said to my friend if he wants to play a different server (I did say Server name of course) I didn't intend to bring anyone else with me, All I was trying to do was ask a friend to change server with me but it leaded into a Penalty. I am also referring to My Skywars ban.

    **Refer for Skygrid**

    First off, Yes I am very sorry for what actions I made on Skygrid, and I was aware I'd be caught and my reason for Why Griefing isn't aloud? Well, I guess it's because Staff don't want the trouble of multiple players troubling them about someone stealing/griefing things from there base and well, I did say those on my rejected appeal but, When I broke these rules, I just assumed players who owned bases with a Non Working protection sponge quit.

    I'm not sure if staff thought I was back with a new account to start trouble or just didn't want to risk it, But in my opinion. The staff could of kept an eye on the account and see if I changed. I want this account to be unbanned because I did make one new friend using it and I just wanted to tell them who I would be playing as (If I ever get the chance to play again.) I'm aware I would be caught By-Passing the server ban.
    #3 FirekingPirate, Jan 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  4. zRinne

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Well advertising a server.. you're not entirely wrong.
    It takes away our players, that's one which you need to bear in mind. Let's say you have a server, it's going all well and you have a few active players.
    I go on to your server and say, Hey AEMNetwork is awesome, the next thing you know players would leave and go onto that server. It isn't a good feeling.

    Grief in skygrid is not allowed allowed because it's unfair to gather resources of others who have worked hard for it, it also ruins their effort and upsets them. Some players do not cope well and may leave the server due to it. It's not okay to assume stuff like that. Please do ask for staff assistance if you're unsure about somethings.

    Ban evading - If you got banned from a server and use another character to play, it would be useless to ban you since you can get on again. You wouldn't really be punished and that's why it isn't allowed. By doing so, it gives us a reason to not accept this appeal since you asked to be observed yet you broke another global rule. It just reflects badly on you.
    Example: Oh i got banned on Rinne, it's fine i have Cat to play on.. (Goes back online like nothing happened) Oh! I got banned in cat as well, haha it's okay i still have 100 more alts.
    Moral - You're not going to learn your mistakes.
  5. HedgeTheHog

    Jun 2, 2014
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    @FirekingPirate , as a staff member on skygrid for awhile now, I have learned that staff is not just a title and commands to have the ability to help others... it's more to ensure the quality of the server, the community, and how the players feel being here. I have NO problem helping with griefs, raids, killing, etc. The problem is that a player would do this to another. Have you ever had a school paper you worked really hard on, but you presented it after the "smart kid", so in comparison to him your teacher didn't appreciate it as much. No matter if it's a cobble stone platform, or a magnificent castle grief, I will help. Minecraft is not for arguments and getting upset, it's meant for a get-a-way place, where you can have fun and use your mind.

    In addition, I completely understand the confusion about the non-protected bases. A few months back we had a glitch in our protection plugin and ALL the sponges lost their ability to protect, players had to reclaim the sponge and replace the block to get the protection to work again. Mayhem ran throughout the server, griefs, raids, of bases and warps. The Owners decided not to reset due to the 1.8 update coming out near, when they will have to reset then, so they left it. Staff rolled griefs backs, and bans had to be sent. The true colors of every player showed, new and old. Even though a base or warp has no protection, it gives NO ONE the right to manipulate a build on their own thoughts.

    On the skygrid ban I want you to answer 3 questions:
    • How would you yourself feel if you got griefed?
    • How can I/Rinne/other Skygrid staff ensure this will not happen again from you?
    • Can you give me enough confidence that you will not only obey the rules, but help others know them as well, new and old players alike?

    Advertising is absolutely wrong, even though I love AEM with my heart, I would not go advertise it on other servers. I get that say you only said the name, but players CAN and WILL get curious about it if bored and go look. I honestly believe you are sincere about it, and did not mean to say the server name. Future reference, please do not say/write/build a server name, IP, even an abbreviation, specifically do not try to hint it.

    Your alternative account problem with ban evading is sadly a bannable offense. You were trying to show staff that you were not the same person by pretending not to be! Though, alts are dangerous, and hard to control it's protocol here to do so, the IP Ban/Global-ban. We did not know what you were up to, you could've been advertising, bullying, sending inappropriate links, etc.. In my own opinion, I think you could've had the same effect by coming and making a ban appeal to show us here that you are different, the long-run it would have extremely fastened the pace of the chances on getting back with the server. The thing I do not understand on this part of your bans is that you stated you understand that you knew you COULD get caught, but you still persisted.
    • How do we know you wont do similar to this in the future with not only ban evading, but griefs, advertising, bullying, etc.?
  6. FirekingPirate

    Sep 19, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Answer's to your questions:
    1: I've been griefed a lot, The first time I was griefed, I was sad even crying, Though that was because I was young, If I was griefed on Skygrid? Well, I'd probably do what any other player does, Ask for help from the Staff or just plain out quit.

    2: Maybe on certain days you can ask players that see me or at least know what I'm doing, and ask them What I've been doing or just send a staff member to check on me every now and then, I've decided though not sure if it would be ok with zRinne, But if I knew something bad was gonna happen because of me, I'd try talk to Rinne on Skype before doing anything and try sort it out.

    3. Not sure if this would be fine but I can have a 1-2 hour Trial see if I can follow all rules, I know I can follow each and every rule on Aem..It's just the matter of having staff believe me when I say I can do that..
    I know I Would be cought By-Passing because I know a Staff member would be checking on the chat with Message Reader enabled, I just tried making the best out of it before I would be banned. I only persisted on joining no matter the risk is because I wanted to see GalaxyGirl, But she was never on when I was.. To me it was a waste of time since I never saw her, But I did tell a player my whole story of my ban and attempting to get unbanned.
    I learnt my lesson doing those things, So I know what would happen if I did it again, I'm not the kind of guy to get banned and come back to get banned again, If that was the case.. I wouldn't be trying so hard to get Accepted, All I want to do is see my old friends, Galaxy, Crystal, Average_Nerd, Some other players. I know I wouldn't Bully anymore since I've been bullied myself so I know what it feels like.. So I stopped becoming what I hated... I will not Ban Evade again, As I explained my only purpose of why I did. I won't grief because I feel sorry for what I've done and wish to repay those players I raided in anyway I can..
    I didn't know Staff were fine with Helping raids because I remember reading a Sign saying Staff cannot help With Grief or Raids or something similar.

    I am Truly sorry for all the chaos I've done... ~Tadashi
  7. zRinne

    Apr 29, 2014
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    After discussions, I've decided that only Phyllyboy would be unbanned, your alt will have to wait.
    This is not out of kindness but punishment.

    You will have to:

    • Always be on your best behavior on AEM
    • Control your emotions
    • No suicidal talk, do not bring anyone down.
    • Do not grief again.
    • Follow ALL of AEM rules.
    If you are caught breaking any of this or get banned for something else, you may not get another chance.
    Do consider yourself lucky, I hope you're not putting an act for the sake of it.
    Regarding your alt, that will take a little considering on when we will unban it.

    Do you accept these condition?
  8. FirekingPirate

    Sep 19, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I accept the conditions. Thank you. ~Tadashi
  9. FirekingPirate

    Sep 19, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I accept the conditions.
  10. zRinne

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points: