Member Name Diamonds1358 Minecraft Username Diamonds1358 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? You should add a global option lel.. It seems like im famous w/ these either asking for a ban or unban leedle. Also I was banned for asking to be banned.. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because TNT won't stop bugging me to come back dat silly nub.. And My skype is getting EXPLODED by Feline, Dakoda,and TNT about it xD
@Diamonds1358 Hey Diamonds, glad to see you've come to your senses. Before this goes any further, I'd like to hear what incited you to ask to be banned in the first place. Once we know the full story we will discuss your unbanning and perhaps prevent something like this from happening again in the future. @BomberDude96 @Trouble1122 @DelvinC @Blake Cutler
1 day a person named Diamonds1358 was saying hi to an old player aka Order67 who has already ever got on to be seen, he (Diamonds1358) was pissed off from before because of DannyvonMonroe constantly doing 2 minutes aucs and when no one else was bidding he refused to /auc e and continued to be a butt about.. After that Diamonds1358 was getting annoyed at Cyclefire (Just a self thing lel only gets under my skin).. Where he constantly was like after me "OH YA! I remember you Order67" even though Order quit quite a while ago. (Again just person).. This could be considered a personal.. But my theme in life has always been Treats others better then myself.. And that is where i got pissed off really badly. The 1st example was by Dakoda where he said "I ignored enderlink09 (W/e his name is), because of his name lol" which i felt like was really unfair, and felt it was completely uncalled for. But ya the theme "Treat better then myself" always has mattered to me.. And when I see people being complete butts to others I just feel completely enraged by it.. Hmm ya other things in the past but this was the main thing that fueled me..
Alright @Diamonds1358 , we will accept your ban appeal. Unfortunately we can't control people and people will always be people. I know other players can get under our skin every once in a while, but maybe next time, instead of spamming and disrupting staff, perhaps you can just take a break from the server okay?? Would save everyone time and spammed skypes, yes? Welcome back to AEM Diamonds.