Member Name darkstaulker Minecraft Username dark_stalker Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? duplicating Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i gave picaso all the rails i duped and i promise not to dupe anymore on these servers i feel really stupid tat i duped useless stuff like rails i am really sorry that i duped on your servers i hope you take my apeal into consideration and unban me I do believe this is 3 bans, correct me if I'm wrong.
Yea @darkstaulker I am seeing 2 previous bans for griefing as well. I have to say this isnt looking very good for you.
i remember it was when i first joined and before the update thing the first was for terring down a broken house on the lawwn of my friend and my base i thaught no one used it so i did that and my brother did the other one on birdwatcher
@darkstaulker if you knew of the reasoning for the previous bans, why did you deny it and ask as if you didn't ?