Member Name curt Minecraft Username imdextermorgan Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? my skin was a naked girl, i also cussed at the staff and not followed any directions he or she gave me Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? this is the only good game i find interesting out of all the servers in minecraft. i feel bad for what i said to the staff, i changed my skin and i apologize for what i said to the staff. i acted like a asshole for what i said and i shouldnt of said what i have said.. i should have just followed the directions the staff gave me and i will not do this again.
If you can promise you will listen to staff and not break any rules then I am willing to accept this ban appeal. You were banned on Kitpvp and not skywars. Staff are here to help players, please understand that. Please respond within 24 hours