Ban Appeal from Creeping0088

Discussion in 'Rejected Ban Appeals' started by Creeping0088, Aug 13, 2014.

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  1. Creeping0088

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Member Name Creeping0088

    Minecraft Username Creeping0088

    Which server were you banned on? Zombies

    Why were you banned from this server? Sup admins, mods, owners and staff .-.
    Meg said to me think bout my actions and post another appeal.
    Im not the type that need time to do stuff..
    I dont need time.
    I was already thinking 'bout my actions and bad stuff.
    Ill explain everything
    First: I was in Zombies (lol killing zombies is nice) and I was saying stuff like ''fuc*'' everytime. Some player said: can we stop with that word ples
    I said: fuckfuckfkukukfukkuckufkucku
    When I said that, Taco (mod) saw me and he just muted me for 25 minutes.
    After that, I was going to test if that was a global mute or I just got muted in zombies. I was going to survival. I said bad stuff. Like: you guys SUCK
    to everyone. Well, Jerekul banned me in Survival (perm). I just said: If I dont get banned in Zombies its ok :D
    I was going to creative. I said to everyone: u guys suck.
    Jerekul saw. Jerekul banned me global and perm.
    Well Im thinking bout my actions and i reached a decision
    ''im really such a moron doing that stuff and risking a donator account in a nice server''
    Ill write more stuff in the ''why do u think u deserve another chance on the server'' .

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well, im such a moron, doing immature stuff and ridiculous things in multiple servers, Jerekul did the right thing. But I really want to get unbanned. Because every server I join I get banned. Im a trouble maker. I joined some 1.5.2 server, It was a pvp server, I was doing 1v1 with some dude and the Owner saw me. The owner was thinking I was cheating. He banned me, but doesnt end there. I was banned in other 1.5.2 survival server just because I said ONE bad word. And, before I said: Im not spamming stuff in forums, Meg said to me take time to think bout my actions, then post other ban appeal. But Im not the TAKE TIME AND THINK BOUT UR ACTIONS type. I dont need time to think about my actions. Ikr i was so ridiculous. BTW i want another chance
    Only another chance
    If I do anything wrong ill let u kill my parents and me in real life.
    I will not do any wrong stuff again ill just join and kill that zombies :D
    I just want to kill zombies
    I really want to chat with admin. Serious. Chat.
    I was spamming threads because they always lock my thread. I just want a chat in any site or any forum to chat with jerekul, meg or pip.
    @Jerekul .. Im so sorry I was not thinking u gunna ban me for global and perm.. talk to meh ples.. sorry, but you are a girl or a boy ? sorry for that question
  2. Creeping0088

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Ok, Jerekul replied me in other Ban Appeal. Well, @Jerekul , I will lost my account? Ok, but, you are nothing without Minecraft. You need to always say ''thank Notch'' because without Minecraft you only gonna be a moron in real life. Stop acting like a governer. You are just a Admin of a Server. There are million servers to join, you are admin of one. You cant do anything with me in real life. Worst Admin ever. I know some staff that are nice, such as Pip and Taco. But you arent. You banned me global and perm, just because I said some fucking fucks. You are just acting like a moron because you got a high rank in server. That server will be much better if Pip got Head Admin and you got.. hmm. lemme see. mod? Yes, you can be mod and Pip Head Admin. The server will be much better. If I really dont have a chance to get back in AEM, I can say that to you, and I will not worry for the punishment, because you cant punish me anymore: ... Fuck you :D
  3. Creeping0088

    Aug 6, 2014
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    BTW you did the right thing. Only morons think that. Normal people will never say ''LOL JEREKUL DID THE RIGHT THING BANNING GLOBAL AND PERM CREEPING'' C'mon, listen up. Once again, you are NOT in the real life.
    If some staff ban me from the forum, means that it cant handle the heat.

    Sup dudes, here is the story of a bad staff dude: (its not me, and im not talking about Jerekul so dont think dat lol)

    ''Oh, I saw a guy swearing. I will ban him globally and perm.''
    /gban RandomDude.
    ''Its done :D''
    ''Omg he is saying stuff in the forums ! Lemme see...''

    ''I dont get why I got g perm banned for that. Someone scam me and I just said: fuck u scammer mtfucker.
    He scammed me. What do you think Im gonna do? Of course I will get mad ! I cant say only 1 bad word?

    ''Oh, looks like he is right. Well, Im high ranked, I can ban him from the site, so Ill ban him because I cant handle his words.

    Jerekul.. Do everything you want... But if you ban me from the site... Well.. Only morons ban people just because can't handle player's words.
    @Jerekul, that is for you !

  4. Creeping0088

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Jerekul.. I know you gonna ban me from the site.. But, you are better than a Admin that just bans someone from the site.. Because you said stuff to me before banning me from the site...
  5. Meg1626

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Stop. No more. It is OVER. I know I speak for all staff on AEM, no matter their rank, when I tell you that you have completely burned every bridge and absolutely ruined any chance of ever getting back onto this server. And I will NOT stand abuse of my fellow staff members, no matter what the issue is!

    Do NOT post anymore appeals or it will result in a ban from this website. You will never be allowed back on this server.
    Appeal rejected and thread locked!
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