Member Name Crazyphoenixgaming Minecraft Username Crazyphoenix123 Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? Disrespect no appeal I dont know exactly why I was banned but I guess I disrespected an admin. Its been a few months since ive played so I went to get on and it said I was banned so I don't know what I did. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I really liked this server. I mostly played the sky grid that was my favorite. Ive learned my lesson and I promise to be carefull and not to break rules.
You were banned for disrespect on our server by @Snowball731 Honesty is best throughout ban appeals. I noticed this ban has been about 4 months old, making it harder to get the precise details. Although I ask you to be fully honest on what you remember. What do you believe that defines respect. Respect to players, staff, and the server? You have 24 hours to reply.