Member Name CookieLovesYuh Minecraft Username CookieLovesYuh Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? X-ray Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Im sorry for using x-ray i deleted the texture pack im very sorry its wrong to use it cause its cheating i wont ever hack cause its very wrong i promise not to break any rules in AEM or hack
CookieLovesYuh. This was a much better appeal. I'll accept this one if you promise to never use xray again, as this was your 2nd ban for using that. Also if people are bothing you use /ignore on them. If it gets bad I will mute them as well, but expect some trash talking on factions. I'll accept after your response.
@fats Cookie was caught, given another chance already in less than 2 months... Also last appeal for this was rejected
They were given a chance to remove it, they didn't, so they to us saying they understood it's against the rules, which went against Christy's acceptance (past admin) but continued to use it on our server. My 2 cents in... Reject this due to that.
This is pretty offensive to all asians playing this server, including me. If you really want this ban appeal accepted, you must change your attitude towards players and staff members..
im very sorry to the racisim part very very sorry i deleted it now & before i didnt know how to delete the texture pack but ive deleted it now & will never use it again or any hacks