Member Name chief Minecraft Username masterchief3729 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? tpaing away when pvp Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i would never let dis happen again, it was an emergency tpa , cuz i lagged. im sorry
Hello @chief This isn't the first time, you have been using /speed to run away from players Flew against non donors who obviously could not fly. A warning was already put on you and you still committed the same crime. In the video it seem like you weren't lagging at all, just trying to get away from the combat. Why was the "lag" time so convenient that you just had to tp away? Please explain your actions and respond within 24 hours.
can u plz let me see the video, cuz lemme tell the truth , u may believe it or not ,i really didnt tpa away. I killed a player first, then flew away+i wasnt using speed. Dis pottsa guy maybe using some techniques to get me bannd :/ .
It did not happen just once, if you look at player reports on you there are more, with the /speed and such. Were they ALL coincidence ?
k im sorry, unban me dis last time, n i wont ever do stuff like dis again. i deserve a perm ban from survival if anythn like dis EVER happen.
If you don't want to die, you shouldn't have gone to PVP. Another thing is, you have to be 100 truthful in your ban appeal, do not lie as it decreases your chance of getting unbanned. Face your action and admit it, don't let your pride get in your way. I dont want this to happen again. Please make sure you do NOT break anymore rules, you should know better than this. If anything similar or another rule you break that ends up a perm ban, you may not get another chance. Do you understand?