Member Name chase patterson Minecraft Username scififrk Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? it was a global ban, but it occurred during zombies. I was banned cause i told AlexM850 our co owner to F$%^ off . he was imitating prof rainwater . She was about to leave and is now going to leave the server but i tried standing up for her and during the process my ego or pride whatever it may be kicked in and alex asked me to tell him why and i said or what and he banned me. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Ive been on this server for a few months and it is honestly the best server out there i love it i spent a lot of time and resources into this . i even applied for staff and i was about to donate to zombies and sky block . i don't wanna lose everything i earned, all the friends i made for a stupid mistake . i sincerely apologize to alex . i should of done that before hand but never got the chance. i would like a second opportunity to play this server. i don't usually beg but i would really appreciate you consider unbanning me and i promise this will never happen again
I wasn't imitating Prof_Rain water. Whatever that means? Second off, you were being a smart ass. I didn't do anything in the first place and you randomly "threw that" out there. So yeah...please don't try to blame me for something that isn't even true.