Member Name CampinKillz Minecraft Username DrachenFire02 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? For Suspicion Of Hacks... Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I agreed To SSall of my flies My recycle Bin my .minecraft Everything And my options and I did .legit .help -help and all of those to prove it...And I was Just about to screenshot my stuff And I got banned,And I told Mr_Lightviper To wait and let me ss But He banned me anyway,S Now whats the point of showing my files? Cause He banned me before i could so that could have gave me time to delete Them..."I didn't have any any way"...So Now im really confused why he didnt let me show my files...
What I would suggest is you take a screenshot of your files, when it was last modified and such. @Mr_LightViper will assist you when he sees this.
Member Name CampinKillz Minecraft Username DrachenFire02 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? For Suspicion of "Hacks" Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Cause I agreed To Show all of my files,I did .help,.Legit,and -help,i was About to ss All of my options And I told Mr_LightViper To wait and let me show my options and files so I can prove I dont hack But he banned me and said show all of my files in the appeal,WTF does he not understand Anything???? That would have gave me time to delete everything..."Btw I didn't need to delete anything anyway Cause I dont hack!,I've Gone through This before And I proved That I don't Hack and I will prove it again... I just gt my gaming Mouse and Now Cause I can Play better everyone thinks I hack? OMFG.
Do not post multiple appeals or they will be denied. Do what @Mr_LightViper asked you to do and we will consider accepting this appeal. You have 24 hours.
I asked you to show files in an appeal, you have failed to do this. Put the screenshots on here please.