Member Name bryce helms Minecraft Username SirQuacksAlot117 Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? AFK Machine Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I didn't realize that it wasn't allowed, when i used to play skyblock before the server updated it's rules, I thought it was allowed, however I have made a mistake here. I will now keep up with the rules if given another chance, sorry.
Bryce, I have one question for you: when you and your friends talked and laughed about making a youtube video (during this video , right around minute 10:30) where you got yourselves banned from multiple servers for fun... was AEM on that list? @bryce helms
nope, i don't think i actually got banned from a single server that night, and the posted date, vs the date of my ban on aem was a different night also. If you hear, its "you and i" should do a series. i dont have a youtube, so the you and i being banned series would be the other two as in undefinedxxcorn and pidgeonwing, you no where hear my name being mentioned of being banned.
Also if i was doing a comedy video on trying to be banned, do you honestly think i'd do it through afk machine and then post a ban appeal?
Thank you Bryce, that was exactly the answer I was hoping to hear. I will accept this ban appeal if you can tell me: 1. Why AFK machines aren't allowed on Skyblock. 2. That you have now read all the /rules and will abide by them. Please respond within 24 hours. @bryce helms
@bryce helms I'm going to give you 8 more hours to respond, then I'm going to deny this appeal because of the lack of response.