Ban Appeal from broly

Discussion in 'Rejected Ban Appeals' started by broly, Jul 15, 2014.

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  1. broly

    Jul 2, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Member Name broly

    Minecraft Username broly1252

    Which server were you banned on? Factions

    Why were you banned from this server? for disrespect to server.

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? cause now i am very sorry and wrong about aem. iam sorry to alexm850 and ethanm850 for disrespecting your server and all staff on aem. i know i did some stupid things but i regret them and take it back. and yes i did come on aem with an alt but i came on because i missed aem and my friends on it. i missed allot of things about aem. and read all the rules about 5 times and i think i got it. i just want to be back on the server that i love and which was my main server. btw i am sorry for everything i did wrong on aem.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. Konata

    Konata Guest

    It looks like you've had quite the history on here. Tell me something, why is it that when a player is punished, they come back saying that they are sorry, and that it will never happen again?

    First off, It should have never been done in the first place, you know that. Disrespecting a server saying that it's going to die. You were warned multiple times to stop, yet you kept going.
    Disrespecting staff, and not listening to a word they say. I don't think you should be unbanned and I don't think you are sincerely sorry.

    I'm going to reject this.
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