Member Name BRANSON234 Minecraft Username BRANSON234 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? 1.calling people gay,fagets and disrespect 2.useing a axe after fats told me not to use it at warp pvp 3.i was talking bad about staff in teamspeak Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? fats that was a really dick move that i did and i am very sorry even if i don't get unbanned i just hope that you forgive me fats and every ones feelings that i hurt i am very sorry and i truely mean i fats i have learend my lesson and i hope you give me 1 more chance man if not i just hope that you can forgive me and i am sorry again
Last appeal we all agreed for @BRANSON234 to take some time to think about all of his actions, and appeal again in the future. 1 week wasnt quite what we mean by the future. Give it a month or two.