Member Name Brandon Molina Minecraft Username Bronze_Creeper76 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? because using kill aura Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? becuase i didnt mean to use it i only use some hacks like sprint and full bright only because im not good at it. My brother Benjamin used kill aura on my account to get me ban just because i wouldnt play hunger games with him if you think im lying then thats fine but if you want me to say i used kill aura not my brother then ill say it... i used kill aura and please give me on last chance and i wil follow all rules and obey all orders and everything aCookieGod says. so please im sorry i promise and swear that i wont do it again if i do then you can ban me because now i've learned my lesson.
Your other appeal was denied, and we don't take the "my brother did it" excuse. This appeal will be denied.